The Elkhart Art League Annual Exhibition


I was very pleased to receive a second place prize in this year’s Elkhart Art League Exhibition for this etching of my dog Jack.


Jack was a great dog,  Here he is in a characteristic position, tail wagging away like mad, always eager to please, I adopted him from the neighborhood, and he lived with me for about ten years.  This piece is 3” x 5” and printed with two plates, the master image was executed with hard-ground line and a light mezzotint overlay.  The color was supplied by an aquatint on the second plate.

The Elkhart Art League is a great organization located right off of High Dive Park just north and across the river from downtown.  It’s an important part of the cultural mix that makes up the city, fulfilling a vital support need for visual artists there.  Some truly excellent artists have passed through its doors over the years.